Verified Blockchain Certificates

Magic Certificates are stored on IPFS, referenced via IPNS and ENS at certmagi.eth & optionally mirrored on Tor .onion hidden service. Each document is cryptographically signed & publicly verifiable.

How CertMagi Works

  • Decentralized & Resilient

    Certificates are distributed by IPFS, linked to blockchain via Ethereum ENS, and mirrored on the Tor network. This ensures resilience, even if traditional hosting fails.

  • Signed & Verified

    Records are signed with a PGP key and published to IPFS. The hash is linked via IPNS and ENS, and optionally mirrored on Tor.

  • Searchable & Trustworthy

    Each record is easy to look up, reference, and share using short links or QR codes. You don’t need any blockchain experience to verify a document.

Signed & Verified

All content is verifiable via open standards and public keys.
CertMagi is ideal for academic records, legal proofs, and business attestations.

  • 12,468 Certificates Issued
  • 3,721 Public Verifications
  • 94% Success Rate
  • 36 Jurisdictions
  • 100% Open Standards

We've got the solution you need for integrity and long-term accessibility. CertMagi uses IPFS for decentralized content delivery, IPNS for updatable pointers, and ENS for human-readable names. Each Magic Certificate is optionally mirrored on a Tor hidden service (.onion) for redundancy and privacy.

Verify a Certificate

Use our handy search app to verify a Magic Certificate
or just to see how CertMagi works.